Congratulations to Teachers!

Congratulations to a group of wonderful teachers!  This June’s Teachers’ Retreat marked the completion of the 2011-13 Teacher Development program.  Participants included long time yoga teachers and serious practitioners interested in refining their skills in all aspects of yoga.  We covered a wide range of topics from the subtleties of course planning in asana and pranayama, to exploring the philosophical underpinnings of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra while also gaining experience in working with individuals through case studies.

This was a great journey of learning for all, including myself.

It is a great honour to recommend highly each of these affiliated teachers:

Toronto:  Allyson Collymore, Antonia Berlingieri, Judy Knight, Luanne Schlueter, Steven Henderson

Oshawa:  Frances Adamson

Edmonton:  Marcia Langenberg, Barbara Hagen

Five others are nearing completion – soon to be announced.